Whitening & Zoom!®

Over time, teeth begin to lose their opalescence and natural luster. This is often simply the effect of wear and tear and aging; however, staining agents such as coffee, tea, tobacco, soda, and red wine can also diminish a smile's radiant glow. Fortunately, this sort of discoloration can be treated through teeth whitening. Here at our Raleigh office, we are proud to offer our patients ZOOM® teeth whitening, the premier in-office teeth whitening system available. In a single appointment, the ZOOM® system can brighten teeth by up to nine shades, producing stunning results that can last for years with proper oral hygiene habits and regular dental check-ups. The ZOOM® procedure is safe, reliable, and highly effective. We also offer home whitening kits that include professional grade bleaching gel. Wearing them for just a few hours a day for less than two weeks can get you a shining, bright smile.

Please contact our office to learn more about how brightening your teeth can help enhance your smile and oral health.